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NCS Apprenticeship
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- Network Cabling Specialist 631A Apprenticeship (NCS)
A 4,600 hour program to become a Network Cabling Specialist 631A, dealing with low voltage communication distribution systems that takes approximately 3 years to complete.
Program Details:
- Apprentices work for a member company of the Greater Toronto Electrical Contractors Association (Greater Toronto ECA).
- Apprentices are dispatched by the IBEW Local Union 353 within a designated geographical area from Lake Ontario north to Party Sound, and from Trenton in the east to Oakville in the west. Apprentices are required to provide their own transportation to the jobsite. Most work days begin at 7 a.m.
- Apprentices are assigned an advisor who will guide them through their apprenticeship.

On-the-Job Conditions Can Include:
- Highrise or industrial buildings
- Indoors or outdoors
- Confined spaces
- Extreme temperatures
- Working at heights
Trade School & Training:
- Trade School Levels 1 + 2 (10 weeks each)
- Supplementary Training Classes
- Additional learning opportunities